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Sodium hypochlorite generator manufacturer

2020-12-17 Ou Rui

Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidant and disinfectant. It is produced by taking a wide range of inexpensive industrial salt or dilute seawater solution through non-diaphragm electrolysis. To ensure that the sodium hypochlorite has a fresh texture and high activity. To ensure the disinfection effect, the device will add and use the generated sodium hypochlorite while generating it. Compared with chlorine and chlorine compounds, it has the same oxidizing and disinfecting effects.

This device is mainly used for the treatment of bacteria-containing wastewater in hospitals and electroplating wastewater containing cyanide. It can also be used for disinfection of swimming pools, domestic drinking water, domestic sewage, food processing factory environment and medical equipment, restaurants, public dining halls and tableware and drinking utensils. .

With the development of my country's four modernizations, this small chlorine generator will surely play an important role in my country's environmental protection projects and water treatment and disinfection processes.


(1) The KXCS type sodium hypochlorite generator is a combined form. The dissolution of salt, the deployment of dilute brine, dosing and metering and the circulation of sodium hypochlorite are carried out in a tank, with low investment, low land occupation and flexible installation.

(2) The generator is a combination form of tubular, internal cooling, monopolar, and series connection. The anode of the generator is based on titanium and coated with ruthenium dioxide, which has low potential and long life. Under normal operating conditions. Each branch takes place continuously for 200-300 hours at a time. The generation process of sodium hypochlorite is a diaphragm type natural circulation form, therefore, the salt utilization rate is high, the current efficiency of the electrolysis process is high, the sodium hypochlorite production rate is large, the energy consumption is small, and the operating cost is low.